  "base_64_encoded_front_image": "string without 'data:image/png;base64,'",
  "base_64_encoded_back_image": "string without 'data:image/png;base64,'",
  "base_64_encoded_face_images": ["string without 'data:image/png;base64,'"]
  "algoreg_score": 100,
  "extracted_info": {
    "id": 273,
    "id_type": "ID",
    "document_detail": {
      "emit_country": "FRA",
      "emit_date": {
        "month": 4,
        "year": 2017
      "expiration_date": {
        "month": 4,
        "year": 2032
      "document_number": "123456789",
      "extra_infos": null
    "holder_detail": {
      "last_name": ["JAMES"],
      "first_name": ["JEAN", "DIMITRI"],
      "nationality": "FRA",
      "gender": "M",
      "birth_date": {
        "day": 1,
        "month": 1,
        "year": 2001
      "birth_place": "PARIS"
    "mrz": [
    "controls": [
        "identifier": "visualAuthenticity.face",
        "titleMsg": "Face",
        "resultMsg": "Face was detected but must be verified.",
        "result": "SUCCESS"
        "identifier": "visualAuthenticity.specimen",
        "titleMsg": "Specimen Detection",
        "resultMsg": "This document was not detected as a specimen.",
        "result": "SUCCESS"
        "identifier": "imageIntegrity.quality",
        "titleMsg": "Image Quality",
        "resultMsg": "Document quality check.",
        "result": "SUCCESS"
        "identifier": "dataValidation.emitionDate",
        "titleMsg": "Emition date",
        "resultMsg": "Date of emition is valid.",
        "result": "SUCCESS"
        "identifier": "dataValidation.expirationDate",
        "titleMsg": "Expiration date",
        "resultMsg": "Date of expiration is valid.",
        "result": "SUCCESS"
        "identifier": "dataValidation.birthDate",
        "titleMsg": "Birth date",
        "resultMsg": "Date of birth is valid.",
        "result": "SUCCESS"
        "identifier": "dataValidation.minimumRequiredAge",
        "titleMsg": "Minimum required age",
        "resultMsg": "The detected model does not have any minimum required age.",
        "result": "UNDEFINED"
        "identifier": "dataValidation.mrz",
        "titleMsg": "MRZ",
        "resultMsg": "MRZ overall validation.",
        "result": "SUCCESS"
  "facematch_score": 0,
  "facematch_info": {
    "controls": []

Perform an identity check by uploading images of the identity card, driver license or passport. This API method allows to verify the identity of your customer with a direct reponse.

At least 1 side of an ID document must be sent, having been previously encoded in Base64 format. For optimized results, 2 sides of the document can also be sent. When the 2 sides of an identity document are not provided, there is no guarantee that will id will be recognized. The result will contain information extracted from the document, a list of controls performed and their results, as well as an overall score of the identity controls. The API provides 2 optional checks based on information extracted on the identity document:

Face match can be performed by providing an image of the customer’s face (also encoded in base64). Watchlist spotcheck can be performed (by setting the parameter to true), which will search information collected on the identity document against over 2,000,000 high risk profiles. The response provided will include information on matched profiles, if any.

Input images should respect this restrictions:

  • Format: PNG
  • Orientation: both sides must have the same format (PNG)
  • Weight: 1mb per pictures (If you send 2 sides and 3 faces the total request weight should not get over 5mb)
  • Size: recommended: 1600x1200, maximum 2400x1800


Content-Type: application/json

base_64_encoded_front_imagestringBase64 encoded image of the front side of the identity document.
base_64_encoded_back_imagestringBase64 encoded image of the back side of the identity document.
base_64_encoded_face_imagesarrayArray of base64 encoded images of the customer’s face.


Content-Type: application/json

algoreg_scorenumberID verification score
extracted_infoobjectExtracted information from the ID
facematch_scorenumberFace match score
facematch_infoobjectFace match information
  "base_64_encoded_front_image": "string without 'data:image/png;base64,'",
  "base_64_encoded_back_image": "string without 'data:image/png;base64,'",
  "base_64_encoded_face_images": ["string without 'data:image/png;base64,'"]
  "algoreg_score": 100,
  "extracted_info": {
    "id": 273,
    "id_type": "ID",
    "document_detail": {
      "emit_country": "FRA",
      "emit_date": {
        "month": 4,
        "year": 2017
      "expiration_date": {
        "month": 4,
        "year": 2032
      "document_number": "123456789",
      "extra_infos": null
    "holder_detail": {
      "last_name": ["JAMES"],
      "first_name": ["JEAN", "DIMITRI"],
      "nationality": "FRA",
      "gender": "M",
      "birth_date": {
        "day": 1,
        "month": 1,
        "year": 2001
      "birth_place": "PARIS"
    "mrz": [
    "controls": [
        "identifier": "visualAuthenticity.face",
        "titleMsg": "Face",
        "resultMsg": "Face was detected but must be verified.",
        "result": "SUCCESS"
        "identifier": "visualAuthenticity.specimen",
        "titleMsg": "Specimen Detection",
        "resultMsg": "This document was not detected as a specimen.",
        "result": "SUCCESS"
        "identifier": "imageIntegrity.quality",
        "titleMsg": "Image Quality",
        "resultMsg": "Document quality check.",
        "result": "SUCCESS"
        "identifier": "dataValidation.emitionDate",
        "titleMsg": "Emition date",
        "resultMsg": "Date of emition is valid.",
        "result": "SUCCESS"
        "identifier": "dataValidation.expirationDate",
        "titleMsg": "Expiration date",
        "resultMsg": "Date of expiration is valid.",
        "result": "SUCCESS"
        "identifier": "dataValidation.birthDate",
        "titleMsg": "Birth date",
        "resultMsg": "Date of birth is valid.",
        "result": "SUCCESS"
        "identifier": "dataValidation.minimumRequiredAge",
        "titleMsg": "Minimum required age",
        "resultMsg": "The detected model does not have any minimum required age.",
        "result": "UNDEFINED"
        "identifier": "dataValidation.mrz",
        "titleMsg": "MRZ",
        "resultMsg": "MRZ overall validation.",
        "result": "SUCCESS"
  "facematch_score": 0,
  "facematch_info": {
    "controls": []