How to change the style of the session

Go to the Messages parameters page and look for Go!Chat SDK section.

We use tailwind css to style the session. You can find the documentation here.

Here some example themes:

body {
  --color-400: #fb7185;
  --color-500: #f43f5e;
  --color-600: #e11d48;
  --color-700: #be123c;
  --color-800: #9f1239;
  --color-900: #881337;

  /* overrides background colors used while in dark theme */
  /* purple - dark-purple bg palette in dark theme*/
  --bg-400: #ab00ff;
  --bg-500: #8300c4;
  --bg-600: #4c00a4; 
  --bg-700: #33007b;
  --bg-800: #31004a;
  --bg-900: #2a112e;

  --border-radius-sm: 50px;
  --border-radius-md: 50px;
  --border-radius-lg: 50px;
  --border-radius-xl: 50px;

body {
  font-family: "Arial";