Algoreg Go!Chat is a ticketing system that allows you to communicate with your customers via email or chat. This tool is directly available from the other Algoreg tools, and allows you to communicate with your customers directly from the Algoreg platform.

You can use Go!Chat with an email server, plug it to your own chat system using our APIs or embed the Algoreg Go!Chat end-user widget on your website.

Get started with Go!Chat

Once active, Go!Chat will be available from the side bar item “Inbox” under the “Go!Chat” section. The inbox works like a regular email inbox, with a list of conversations (called threads) and a conversation view containing messages.

You will find on the image below the threads on the second left bar, and the messages view on the right.

Go!Chat Inbox

Accessing Go!Chat

As mentioned above, Go!Chat is available from the side bar item “Inbox” under the “Go!Chat” section.

You can also access the threads of a specific customers from Go!Scan alerts or the customer details page. Click on the top right menu, then “Customer Inbox”. On this view, only threads related to the currently active customer will be shown.

General conception

Customers vs contacts

A customer is a person or a company as used everywhere in Algoreg. But a customer can have multiple contacts. Also a same contact can be linked to multiple customers.

For this reason, each thread is attached first to one or many customers, then the following messages will be attached to a contact included in one of this customers.

A message cannot be sent to a contact not present in the customers of the thread. But the customers of a thread can be changed at any time in the thread edition page.

Thread status

Go!Chat works like a support ticketing system. Each thread has a status that can be:

  • Open: the thread is open and waiting for a reply from an agent
  • Waiting: the thread is waiting for a reply from the customer
  • Reminder: the thread is waiting for a reply from the customer, and a reminder will be sent
  • Closed: the thread is closed and cannot be replied to

All threads follow the same lifecycle: they start as open, then they are waiting for a reply from the customer, and finally they are closed.

The waiting status is configurable, an usual flow can be the following with 2 reminders and a 3 days delay between them:

open -> reminder (1) -(send a reminder after 3 days)-> reminder (2) -(send a reminder after 3 days)-> waiting -(wait 3 days)-> open.

This put the thread in a waiting state for 9 days, and then reopen it if no reply is received.

About threads

Threads filtering

Threads are always sorted by last updated first. You can filter the threads by status, keywords, and more. The full list is available using the ”+” button next to “Search”. It will open a new advanced search section.

Advanced filters

Thread card

The thread card let you know the state of the thread, obtain some information about the latest message, who is assigned to it etc.

On the image below you can spot this items:

Green dotThread status, green for open, red for closed, yellow for the other states
Attachment iconThe thread contains at least one attachment
Multiple messages iconThe thread contains more than one message
“Catherine Muller”The name of the contact and its external ID, if any
Avatar “(I)”The avatar of the agent assigned to the thread
“7 items”The number of items in the thread (messages, attachments, etc.)
“14:04”The time of the last message
“Documents supplémentaires”The subject and content of the last message
“Carte …le.pdf”Names of the attachments in the thread
“KYT”List of categories of the thread
Thread card

Messages view

When a thread is selected, the messages view will aggregate different information chronologically.

  • The messages themselves
  • The thread updates (assignee, tags, customers, status, etc.)
  • The agents comments

Of course only the messages are visible to the customer, everything else can be used for internal discussions and audit.

Messages view

The header of the messages view let you view and update the thread status, assignee, tags and customers.


In the feed you have two options:

  • add a comment to share with other agents by using the main text bar at the bottom of the feed,
  • or create a new message by using the “New message” button.

Messages creation, states and edition are described in the next section.

Messages and templates

Read more about messages and templates

API and integration

As for any other Algoreg products, you can communicate with the system using our APIs.

If you want to integrate Go!Chat directly inside your product under a “support” section, you can use our end-user widget.

Go!Chat APIs

Read more about Go!Chat APIs

Go!Chat End-User widget

End-user widget